Push Notifications

Push Notification

Driving traffic to your site the right way

Push notifications offer fast, real-time, targeted messaging that boosts click-through rates and increases app retention scores.
But to get results, app companies must strike a fine balance – send too many and users tune out. Don’t send enough and they’ll forget about you. And this is why app companies go to push notification services, like tech platforms, for help.

About Notification

Types of app push notifications

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Pop-up Alerts

Pop-up alerts are real-time updates like news items, event updates and calendar reminders. And stats show that too many can lead to 10% of users disabling notifications

Progress Notifications

Training, gaming and learning apps use push notifications to encourage users to keep logging into an app.

Promotional Notifications

Online retailers often send exclusive offers, deals and giveaways to customers. Achieved a 19X higher conversion “Add to Basket” conversion goal using push notifications providers.

Geo-location Notifications

Geotargeting lets marketers send location-based weather alerts or commercial offers as part of a mobile marketing strategy.

Delivery Status Tracking

E-commerce brands use push notifications to keep customers updated on parcel deliveries.

Abandoned Cart Reminders

Abandoned cart levels were as high as 80% for all sectors. Push notifications were effective at reminding customers of what they left behind.
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What do app push notification services do?

Push notifications providers have been around for a while and some for over a decade. Amassing a huge amount of expertise, a push notification platform or company can make it easier to plan, schedule and deploy messaging to users.


Automated messaging

A push notification platform can help with creating strategies that target users based on behaviors, demographics and geographic locations. And they can set up automated messages to service these strategic aims on your behalf.

Cross-channel Strategies

Push notifications have an impact when they bounce off other forms of messaging. After all, they’re there to ‘push’ users to open an app. So, it’s likely you’ll need further communications strategies to hold users’ attention and keep them engaged, once you’ve got them in the app.

Shopping Cart Boost

Figures from Statista show the main reason for high cart abandonment rates is extra costs such as shipping and taxes. But you can address these issues through push notifications by highlighting relevant options and allaying customer concerns.

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